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LE GRAND        stage design


György Ligeti



with Mireia Celma and Tània Gumbau





From weaknesses of the human being, Ligeti makes an anti-opera, as in the stylistic sense of the word and the concept. He presents a critique of the Judeo-Christian moral and standards of good behavior West. All attitudes that are seen as inadequate, usually related to the instints and attitudes away from rationality, are discovered by the public. Given this lack of repression to create the dramatic thread of history and the impunity with which the author puts certain scenes on stage, along with the image of a divine executioner who carried out their task as if it were a kind of assassin, Ligeti critizes the persistence of of a dogmatic model and archaic behavior which aims to decouple the man of his animal nature and / or natural.



Story Scenes    Model Making


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